United Schools is dedicated to transforming lives and communities through the power of education.
Students arrive at United middle school classrooms an average of two years behind.
17% of US high schools do not have access to a school counselor.
The four-year high school graduation rate for urban Ohio public schools is 77%.
Students who do not graduate high school have higher rates of unemployment and lower wages than those with a high school diploma.

But that’s not the end of the story.
United's K-8 scholars grow at twice the rate of their peers nationally each year.
High-school-aged United alumni meet with a counselor at least three times each year.
United Schools alumni have a 97% 4-year graduation rate.
United Schools alumni are pursuing selective post-secondary education and careers.
United Schools is a group of high-performing, free, public charter schools across Columbus on a mission to transform lives and our communities through the power of education. We help scholars strive for excellence by setting high standards for academic achievement in a caring, structured environment. Our proven approach removes barriers to success so every person who walks through our doors can build an opportunity-rich life.

United Elementary
United Elementary is a college-preparatory charter elementary school committed to providing an excellent education to under-resourced students in Columbus, Ohio.
United Middle
United Middle is a college-preparatory charter middle school committed to providing an excellent education to under-resourced students in Columbus, Ohio.
Alumni Services
The Alumni Services department aims to create and continually improve high-quality support services for United Schools alumni so they can access opportunity-rich lives in our society now and in the future.
School Performance Institute
We seek out, study, and spread school design and instructional best practices to the educators who need them the most.