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Welcome to

United Elementary State St.


Welcome to United Elementary State St.

At United Elementary, our mission is to ensure all of our scholars are on the path to college! To accomplish this, we establish a positive, rigorous, and joyful culture in every classroom. We push our young scholars hard, and it's inspiring to see them grow so fast. We are fortunate to have outstanding, dedicated teachers who go the extra mile for kids, and we are grateful that families trust us with the responsibility of educating their children.

– Kimberly Williams, School Director


School Day

Most United Elementary students ride the bus and will arrive at 8:40 AM. Students who do not ride the bus should arrive at United Elementary State St. every day by 8:50 AM to be counted as on time.  

School Calendar

The United Elementary State St. school year runs from August 21, 2024, through June 4, 2025. School hours are from 8:40 AM to 4:00 PM every day. 


Additional Documents:

Public Notice - CEP Program - Food Service South-Western City Schools Transportation Information
District Health Screening Notice
Google Workspace for Education Notice
Local Wellness Policy

State St.'s handbook, with more information on school supplies and a sample schedule, can be found below.

2024-2025 Student & Family Handbook and State St. Supplemental Handbook
Read a copy of our Anti-Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and Dating Violence Policy.

United Elementary State St.
617 West State St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone and Fax: 614-453-8993
Contact: Kimberly Williams

Female teacher walking past and observing table of three students, drawing on whiteboards on their desks.

Interested in seeing if United Elementary State St. is right for your child?


Enroll Today! Questions, please contact the main office at 614-453-8993.


Educators and Leaders Unite for Change


Our Team

Check out our careers pages to find leadership, teaching, and operations opportunities to join this team!


Lucas Beckerink | PE Teacher
Mackenzie Bigley | Art Teacher
Kelli Bolton | Intervention Teacher
Emily Boynton
| Kindergarten Teacher
Marcellette Browne | Kindergarten Teacher, K Grade-Level Chair
Katie Cherkas | Dean of Students, 5th Grade-Level Chair
Jessica Cutler | 4th Grade ELA & Social Studies, 4th Grade-Level Chair
Kavunaa Edwards | Teaching Fellow
Tatiana Jackson | 1st Grade ELA & Social Studies, 1st & 2nd Garde-Level Chair
Jamaine Khaloufi | Teaching Fellow
Brent Klimaszewski | Intervention Specialist
Anita Liu | 5th Grade Math & Science Teacher

Jacob McFarland | Operations Manager
Dashaun McGee
| 4th Grade Math & Science
Ellen McIlvaine
 | 3rd Grade Math & Science, 3rd Grade-Level Chair, Math Department Chair
Roma Mishra | 5th Grade ELA & Social Studies
Ashleigh Nordstrom Brown | Associate Dean of Students
Aron Olegnowicz | Intervention Specialist
Emily Palombaro | Kindergarten Teacher
Kasandra Reyes Ocon | Kindergarten Teacher
Edythe Robertson | 1st Grade Math & Science
Emily Schaefer | 2nd Grade ELA & Social Studies
Nick Stender | 5th Grade ELA & Social Studies
Lauren Swaidner | Assistant School Director
Mara Wallace | Music Teacher
Meagan Ward | Dean of Family and Community Engagement
Jasmine Whiteside | Office Manager
Kimberly Williams | School Director