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Welcome to

United Middle Main St.


Welcome to United Middle Main Street, the flagship campus of United Schools.

We serve 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students in a small, safe, college-prep environment. Our students, staff, and families believe there is joy in working hard and that education is empowerment. Over the years, our campus has received positive recognition from many organizations, including the Education Equality Index, EPIC, and The Columbus Dispatch. According to our most recent parent survey, 97% of Main St. families are satisfied with our academic program. One parent shared, "Be ready to work hard and go to college because the staff are ready to help you go all the way!"

– Sue Brennan, School Director


School Day

Most United Middle students ride the bus and will arrive at 8:40 AM. Students who do not ride the bus should arrive at Main St. every day by 9:00 AM to be counted as on time.

School Calendar

The United Middle Main St. school year runs from August 21, 2024, through June 4, 2025. School hours are from 8:40 AM to 4:00 PM every day.


additional documents

Public Notice - CEP Program - Food Services
Google Workspace for Education Notice
Local Wellness Policy

Main St.’s handbook, with more information on school supplies and a sample schedule, can be found below.

2024-2025 Student & Family Handbook and Main St. Supplemental Handbook
Read a copy of our Anti-Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and Dating Violence Policy.

United Middle Main St.
1469 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43205
Phone and Fax: 614.299.5284
Contact: Sue Brennan

Teacher and student pointing to a book on the student's desk.

Interested in seeing if Main St. is right for your child?


Enroll today! Questions, please contact the main office at 614-299-5284.


Educators and Leaders Unite for Change


Our Team

Check out our careers pages to find leadership, teaching, and operations opportunities to join this team!


Carly Allocco | Intervention Teacher
Briana Black | Dean of Family & Community Engagement, Manager of School Operations
Ashley Boch | 6th Grade Math
Sue Brennan | School Director
Nicole Brooks | Office Coordinator
Jacob Delight | 6th Grade Social Studies
Tierra Dortch | Dean of Students, 8th Grade-Level Chair
Jen Felbaum | Intervention Specialist, 6th Grade-Level Chair
Christine Fite | 8th Grade Social Studies
Shamyra Hamm | Teaching Fellow
Kylie Holmes | Operations Manager
Christina King | 7th Grade Social Studies

Autumn Leidtke | 6th Grade ELA
Supriya Mathew
| 7th Grade Math
Alexis Moore
| Art Teacher
Allison Rana | 7th Grade ELA, 7th Grade-Level Chair
Alexandra Retodo | Dean of Academics
Leron Robinson | 8th Grade Math
Ashley Shanab | 8th Grade ELA
Alicia Sheffield | 7th Grade Science
Chad Tennant | Associate Dean of Students, 504 Coordinator
Katelin Vela | 6th Grade Science
Vaun Warbear | Operations Associate
Hali Wilson | Intervention Teacher